F5 tbl. Apps

TrailHit - return of the light 3.8
F5 tbl.
TrailHit is a location-based modern real world treasure hunt gamewith mystery and puzzles. If you like Geocaching, Scavenger hunt,Foursquare, Ingress, Parallel Kingdom and other gps games thiswould be your cup of tea :). Here's the story: Ages ago, there wasa powerful and righteous human civilization on Earth who possessedthe knowledge of controlling energies of the Universe. They usedtheir knowledge to construct a unique vibrational device forstabilizing planet Earth in all times, and what is more, toharmonize minds of all creatures on the planet. The result waseternal peace, understanding, wisdom and exponential development inall fields. Unfortunately, some entities were not satisfied withthe considerable progress human beings have achieved. Until now,most people were not aware of belonging to either humans or aliens,or if this is just another conspiracy theory. Evil entities wantedultimate control. They decided to destroy the Device and kill allits constructors known by the name of The Great 18 Group. The Groupwas informed and was secretly creating a new device called TheGreat Device which was designed to protect itself, making itindestructible. But The Great Device was never engaged. Entitiessucceeded to eliminate every member of the Group and destroy theDevice…Thence they started poisoning human minds by distorting thetruth and values in any way they could. What we can also say forsure is that Entities have stopped all major scientific and medicalprogress on Earth! They have infiltrated in all structures oneconomy and politics, but not directly! They manipulate people`sminds, and use fear and ignorance to sustain their power andcontrol. It suffices to say that even presidents and governmentsare not aware of these secrets. Because of dominant technology somepeople think that they must be aliens, but we have some otherrelevant information regarding the matter! This is one more secretwe are obliged to reveal: they want you to think aliens are bad andyou should be afraid of them, they even have a plan to push humansinto war with aliens. The greatest weakness of Entities and alltheir plans and technology is the fact that they can do nothing ifhuman beings raise their consciousness, so their minds and heartscan become pure. Now is the time to wake-up! However, what Entitiesdid not know is that The Great 18 Group built one more device andleft a Trail to it! Until now, it has not been possible to revealthis crucial information because Entities were controlling Earthand it would be very easy for them to eliminate anybody who wouldtry to restore the Device. Now, the situation has changed! Theentire Earth is under our strong protective shield. We are here tohelp you. The fact is that the Device can be found and engaged by ahuman being only! The One who finds the Trail and restores theDevice will get great powers and His name will be remembered in thechronicles of the Universe forever. This is real King Arthur`ssword in stone – can you handle it? You should know that the Mapwhich leads to The Great Device is divided into pieces, hidden andprotected in several ways, so only the best among humans areinvited into this mission of revelation, engaging the Device andsaving planet Earth and whole human race. It has been written thatthe symbol of The Great Device is a 4 leaf clover. Also, it hasbeen known that the main part of The Great Device is a verypowerful crystal. Do not look for a big device, it can be held inone hand! There are 16 Magic Scrolls that have to be activated. Thepower released from the Magic Scrolls will prepare ALL for therevelation of The Great Device. We cannot say anything else. Becareful and read between the lines. You have been chosen for thismission! We will also help you on the way with sophisticatedtechnology and tools… Let the shine of Neo be with you!